Marriott Tacoma Downtown 1538 Commerce Street, Tacoma WA 98402


The Marriott Tacoma Downtown is located at 1538 Commerce St, Tacoma, WA 98402.

Same location for tanning!

Check-in: Thursday, June 20th
Check-out: June 23rd

Group rate under “Tanji Johnson Classic 2024”
Group Rate: $189
Deadline to book the group rate: May 20, 2024

Reduced parking $16 per day
Complimentary WIFI
Onsite gym

Reservations can be made by calling (253) 294-9200

COURTYARD MARRIOTT TACOMA DOWNTOWN 1515 Commerce Street, Tacoma WA 98402


The Courtyard Marriott Tacoma Downtown is located at 1515 Commerce St, Tacoma, WA 98402.

Check-in: June 21st
Check-out: June 23rd

Group Rate: $189/Night
Deadline to book the group rate: May 24 , 2024

Complimentary WIFI
Onsite Fitness Center